Make your car look new again with headlight restoration that’s as clear as Night & Day

Headlight restoration in progress, St. George, Utah, date not specified | Photos courtesy of Night & Day Permanent Headlight Restoration, St. George News

CONTRIBUTED CONTENT — The last thing you need when you’re driving at night is foggy, hazy headlights. Before you spend hundreds of dollars to get them replaced, however, consider a permanent restoration solution that will help even old cars shine like new.

Before-and-after images of restored headlights, St. George, Utah, date not specified | Photos courtesy of Night & Day Permanent Headlight Restoration, St. George News

Serving the greater St. George area, Night & Day Permanent Headlight Restoration offers mobile service and a specific, step-by-step process to restore visibility and make driving after dark safer and easier. Much more effective than a store-bought kit or DIY hack, it’s headlight restoration done the right way.

“It’s basically a factory restoration,” owner Lance Holm said. “We make them look brand new again, and it lasts for years.”

Holm is an experienced auto body technician who saw a pressing need for high-quality headlight restoration services in Southern Utah. He began experimenting with various techniques 10 years ago and started licensing and selling his product in 2015. His goal was to create a solution for permanent clarity instead of other products that only last for a few months.

While Holm can’t divulge any details about his patented, one-of-a-kind formula, customers can rest assured knowing that Night & Day is a cut above other companies advertising headlight restoration. Going far deeper than wet sanding or polishing, his method removes the entire outer membrane of the headlight before applying a high-quality clear coat over the lens. He said the result is as close to new as it gets without installing a fresh set of headlights.”

“I’ve worked with Lance for years now, and his services are always exceptional,” customer Trent J. said. “He took my beat-up Toyota headlights and made them look better than when we purchased the vehicle. Awesome service at great prices.”

“I knew my headlights were bad, and I thought I also needed new headlamps as well. After the fantastic job, I did not need new headlamps; the cleaning did at all,” another customer, Jan. S., added. “The detail and exactness was incredible.”

Before-and-after images of restored headlights, St. George, Utah, date not specified | Photos courtesy of Night & Day Permanent Headlight Restoration, St. George News

The entire restoration process takes anywhere from 30-60 minutes. Holm offers his services to car owners, commercial fleets and auto dealerships throughout southwestern Utah.

Holm has also created a turn-key franchise opportunity with Night & Day. Owner-operators are licensing his formula and process to bring cutting-edge headlight restoration to their own cities and states.

Headlights gradually become dull and discolored over time due to age, sun exposure and heat. Headlight bulbs generate heat that creates fogging from the inside out while chemicals (soap, wax, etc.) and road scum are baked onto the lens by the sun, which also gradually oxidizes the outer coating. It’s inevitable even if the car is parked in a garage, Holm said, particularly in a hot and sunny area like St. George.

“We use some of the highest quality, UV-protective clear coats designed to fight against all these factors,” he added.

If you’re looking to boost your vehicle’s resale value, the difference between foggy and restored headlights is as clear as night and day. Holm said that most car buyers equate dull, discolored headlights with neglect, while clear headlights make a vehicle look well cared for and dependable. Night & Day also restores fog lights and emblems with plastic covers.

“Put us to the test,” Holm said. “You won’t be unsatisfied.”

Call 435-619-5755 or visit the Night & Day website for a quote.

Written by ALEXA MORGAN for St. George News.

• S P O N S O R E D  C O N T E N T •


  • Night & Day Permanent Headlight Restoration | Telephone: 435-619-5755 | Hours: Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. | Website.

Copyright St. George News, LLC, 2022, all rights reserved.

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