St. George pottery artist expresses her individuality with one-of-a-kind designs inspired by nature

ST. GEORGE —Using clay as an emotional release and inspired by nature’s beauty, this artist is bringing magic into the mundane through her unique pottery designs. 

Kelsey Wheeler shows off some of her latest work inside The Tilted Kiln in St. George, Utah, Aug. 15, 2023 | Photo by Jessi Bang, St. George News
Kelsey Wheeler shows off some of her latest work inside The Tilted Kiln in St. George, Utah, Aug. 15, 2023 | Photo by Jessi Bang, St. George News

“My art is created as a way to honor the earth and its vast beauty,” pottery artist Kelsey Wheeler said. “As I grow I hope to stand up for what I stand on, create work around causes, endangered species and conservation. Nature is something that constantly brings me peace and comfort, so to be able to use that as an inspiration for my artwork has really helped me emotionally.”

This love for nature is visible through various designs on sculpted shot glasses, incense holders, tea jars, mugs, plates, vases, hanging decor, shelves and more. 

Art has provided much for Wheeler through the years, and she attributes her artistic abilities to her father and the way she was raised. While her dad earned his degree at the Art Institute, she spent time playing at the school and felt fueled by his and other students’ creativity. She has received a sketchbook for Christmas every year since she was a child — a tradition lives on today. 

In high school, she explored mediums such as painting, jewelry and pottery, which is when she fell in love with clay. She spent her junior and senior years taking every pottery class she could.

3D art by Kelsey Wheeler sits on display inside The Tilted Kiln in St. George, Utah, Aug. 15, 2023 | Photo by Jessi Bang, St. George News
3D art by Kelsey Wheeler sits on display inside The Tilted Kiln in St. George, Utah, Aug. 15, 2023 | Photo by Jessi Bang, St. George News

“As I got older, I had a lot of family struggles,” she said. “And I relied on my art as an emotional release in a lot of ways. Art is the one thing that really calms my mind and brings me peace.”

She went on to focus on watercolor paintings and took a seven-year hiatus from pottery. It wasn’t until she moved to St. George to be closer to family that she discovered The Tilted Kiln, and that changed everything.

Applying her watercolor knowledge to her pottery, she began hand-drawing with a graphite pencil before painting with an underglaze. She has since added inlay work, which creates a 3D carved appearance to make everything from insects to portraiture.

“There’s nothing better than being in a flow state where it’s almost like extremely meditative,” she said. “When you don’t have much thought you’re just being super present in the moment, which is an amazing thing art has done for me.”

A handmade ceramic mug by Kelsey Wheeler features a hand-drawn tiger scene, location and date unspecified | Photo courtesy of Kelsey Wheeler, St. George News
A handmade ceramic mug by Kelsey Wheeler features a hand-drawn tiger scene, location and date unspecified | Photo courtesy of Kelsey Wheeler, St. George News

Wheeler teaches a “Give it a Whirl” class and a four-week introductory to pottery class at The Tilted Kiln. She also teaches home-schooled children every other week during the school year, allowing her to see a wide range of ages explore and create.

“It’s fun to watch kids just play with their hands because pottery is such an interactive art form,” she said. “To be able to touch and mold and form and shape with no judgment.”

Wheeler said her lifetime goal has always been to use all her time and energy for art. She looks forward to continuing to grow and improve as an artist and creative.

Due to her love of spooky, witchy things, she’s also known as “The Mango Witch,” a nickname that comes from a combination of her favorite fruit and female empowerment. To shop online, visit Wheeler’s website or follow @mango.witch on Instagram

“Art has been a tool of appreciation,” Wheeler said. “It’s also a way for me to express my individuality and the things I value in life. It has taught me to enjoy the process and worry less about the final outcome. I think everyone should have a creative outlet and something to express themselves, just to appreciate being human.”

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